Anyone can with Shopify...and I just did.

Anyone can with Shopify...and I just did.

Blade Buddies could be on route to kids skate bag everywhere, thanks to Shopify. I set up an online storefront in just over an hour and have since spent many more having some fun and trying other tools. 

I was really impressed with how intuitive everything was and the resources available (they even have their own wiki!) for clients! If I wasn't quite sure what something meant, I looked it up quickly and always learned something new along the way. 

While building my shop, one minute I was writing purchase emails and the next, cropping and editing photos right within the site. I liked how you can customize the look of the shop to align with any brand or if you don't have an established brand, one of Shopify's hundred+ themes enable you to create a polished and professional look. Through the Shopify App Store, your shop can be taken to a whole new level, providing and continually developing tools and solutions for a successful shop. 

Shopify's selection of 'how to' articles located on the support center enabled me to add things like the facebook and twitter icons to the site. I'll admit, there were a few versions before I got them in the right place but I never would have thought I'd be editing code so easily. I felt proud when I clicked save and IT WORKED! 

I'm both excited and eager to keep playing with the various tools at my fingertips. I agreed with one customer's statement claiming: "Shopify has a team of web ninja's at your disposal"... It's everything you need to run a store, simplied; and anyone can with Shopify.